[rescue] sunpci note: TWO cards now available

Josh Neal josh at unixmercenary.net
Sat Jan 26 20:36:56 CST 2002

On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 04:03:49PM -0500, Steve Sandau wrote:
> Adding and configuring a second NIC w/o the GUI is also
> a pain.

Yes, but adding a second NIC WITH the GUI is often worse.

(Sorry, I spent two years doing TechSupport for RH5.2 - 7.1 for VA Linux; I get flashbacks. <grin>)

> Try Slackware (the original) or Debian (supposed to be the most
> configurable if you have a clue).

When it works, apt-get is a wonderful thing. It's a shame that you've got to put up with the rest of Debian in order to use it.


Josh Neal
"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
	-- Homer Simpson

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