[rescue] Boats?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu Jan 24 17:36:57 CST 2002

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Mike Hebel wrote:

> AW> I always wished I was rich enough/allowed to refloat a Japanese battleship
> AW> or heavy cruiser... and of course keep it.
> I want an original Japanese Zero in flying condition.  I think just
> for historical purposes they should pull some of those off the ocean
> floor and refurbish them.

I as well... that's wish #2 after the 109.

and one more before this should go to geeks... which I thought it was in
the first place... oh well oops.

It was such a travesty when they decided to blow up some great museum
material to test the H-bomb at Bikini... damn them


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