[rescue] OT: Data Warehousing book recommendations

Eric Johnson eric_j at oasis.novia.net
Thu Jan 24 16:08:30 CST 2002

I guess I should be much more clear. The books at this point are not for
me; they are for the 'suits' (although they are actually more 'sports
jackets' around here). They need some kind of guidance in planning or they
won't recognize the Dilbert joke when I ask what color the database should

Thanks for the ideas. I'm just an embedded and/or Java/CGI kind of guy.

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Derrick D. Daugherty wrote:

> It's rumored that around Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:03:41PM -0500
> Julius Sridhar <vance at ikickass.org> wrote:
> > I experiment with heavy-duty data warehousing, but I'm mostly self taught.
> > I can recommend some books, depending on the kind of info you need.  What
> > were you looking at doing?
> >
> > Peace...  Sridhar
> i'll chime in a "me too" with Sridhar.  I've never read any books on
> it... ya don't really need to.  Just define what the numbers are now and
> what they will be in the future.  Will these just be files, like CAD
> diags or is this going to be a large database?  Your guys will need to
> focus on these things in the design.  There are many tricks to fine-tune
> how it all behaves..but the numbers have to be defined up front.
> feel more than free to contact me on or off list..or your IT guys and I
> can help them out.  I love doing this stuff.
> The best part of IRC is you can help people design and troubleshoot shit
> all day, and if it doesn't work, it's not your problem :D
> fwiw, i've never caused any outtages/problems for netzero, juno, commerzbank,
> american express, emc, or sun doing online help ;)
> irc is a drug
> ^D
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-- Eric Johnson

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