[rescue] What the...?

ed at the7thbeer.com ed at the7thbeer.com
Thu Jan 24 09:08:49 CST 2002

Not sure who ever put out a translucent-cased machine first, but doing so
is very common(well, it was, not sure if it still is) in the design and
prototyping phase.  I used to get my hands on all sorts of
translucent-cased Apple gear about 10 years ago...IIcx's, IIfx's, SE's,
SE/30's, 950's and on and on....all were prototype.  The only production
unit I got that way was a Newton 120(oddly, my Original Newton has
outlasted the transparent one...gathers mostly dust now....)

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
Finger for PGP public key
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Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges - Marcus Tullius Cicero
In time of War, the law falls silent

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Robert Rose wrote:

> Seen this?
> http://cgi.ebay.com.au/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1326657887
> The question was, who had the idea first, Apple or the company formally 
> known as Silicon Graphics ?
> Rob.
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