[rescue] SLACKERS

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Jan 22 21:59:43 CST 2002

On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 09:43:58PM -0500, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> > I'll stick with my PS2.  A nice R5600/200 or so Mhz MIPS processor, lots
> > of memory IO...and TWO vector processing engines.
> is that not one of the nicest hardware designs you have ever seen?  very
> SGIesque.  i can't WAIT to get mine, but i won't get one till i'm done
> arranging and moving in, otherwise it would NEVER get done. :)

Actually, it is refreshingly unSGI in design (unlike the N64).  Where as SGI 
machines (the good ones at least) do everything in hardware, the PS2 requires
that everything be done on the CPUs, including triangle rasterization (to my
knowledge).  That is why it has 3 CPUs, each with vector processor (admittedly,
one of the CPUs is basically a PS1 on a chip running at 36mhz).

Joshua D. Boyd

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