[rescue] Re: [SunHELP] Solaris 9, First thoughts

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Sat Jan 19 22:41:18 CST 2002

> Lisp is slow.  But it shouldn't matter since the best use is as a
> scripting language on top of a faster, compiled runtime, such as
> emacs.  As long as the core routines are fast, you're ok.

which if you look at the link for GWM (i'll never be able to think of that
any other way that the "other" meaning of it.  i may never be able to use
this window manager at this point since i'm going to snicker every time i
sit down at my computer. *G*) you'll see that GWM is exactly that.  kernel
written in C with WM profile written in LISP [WOOL].


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