[rescue] IPC Hell

Robert Rose rr at rits.com.au
Fri Jan 11 05:19:11 CST 2002

> > Is it better, or not as good as IMP to actually use? (i'm not referring
> > to setting it up, just the user end)
> >
>Never used IMP - I have used atdot, and that was okay.  Atdot, compared to
>Squirrelmail though, is night and day.  I was going to install twig, but
>couldn't get half the dependencies compiled and working on Solaris...

Personally I use webmail by jaos.org, 3 perl modules plus one perl cgi 
script and a pop server - can't beat it.  None of this Mysql or PHP shit, 
just good 'ol Perl and apache.


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