[rescue] IPC Hell

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Thu Jan 10 00:05:45 CST 2002

On Wed, 2002-01-09 at 20:50, kurt at k-huhn.com wrote:
> Could it be true?  Some listers have hit hardware critical mass?  More
> machines than we know what to do with?

as much as i hate to admit it, i currently have the following off-line

sgi o2
sgi indigo2
two ultra1 creater3d's (just got today for $5 each!!!!)
couplea ss5's
couplea sparc classics
sparcserver 470
buncha misc. i386 shit

yes, the sgi's are a sin, and i hope to get them runnin soon, and the
ultra1's will be put to work once i figure out if there is actually
something wrong with them (i was told that there was, but it seems that
one just didn't have ram, and the other MAY have a bad HDD (on bootup,
the root filesystem was trashed) But i have hight hopes for it all

	-Dan Sikorski

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