[rescue] IPC Hell

kurt at k-huhn.com kurt at k-huhn.com
Wed Jan 9 19:50:12 CST 2002

> Well, a new HDD and installation #10 did the job!  I now have a new
> (old) IPC with 48 megs of ran and a 2 gig hdd.  Now, what to do with it
> :-)

Could it be true?  Some listers have hit hardware critical mass?  More
machines than we know what to do with?

I personally have 7 (yes 7) intel boxen of various form factors that are
doing *nothing* right now.  Feh, on intel boxen!

OTOH, my new (to me) Ultra-1 is getting one hell of a workout :)  It's
become my web/mail/webmail server - and my (recently anyway) primary
workstation at work.  SquirrelMail rocks!


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