[rescue] I just saw this from an old SGI page... it has me slightly worried since...

Andrew Weiss rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 4 09:42:44 CST 2002

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   The power thing is sheer paranoia.  As is the RFI issue.  You really
> should have a UPS in general, though...
>   About the A/C...you'll probably be fine as long as you have a large
> space to dissipate the heat in.  They do put out a fair amount of
> heat...but hey, if you want no power consumption and no heat output,
> you'd have bought a shit-ass PeeCee, right?

exactamundo!... heh [trying not to break my personal rule of never buying
another x86] Actually the heat will be awesome until late spring.  My
place is frequently 64-66 degrees and no more these days.  The heat is
controlled in the first floor appartment and always shuts off before it
heats my appartment by more than a degree or two... the whole thing needs
rebalancing... I think I'll set up the Crimson with a nice long long cord
so it can keep us warm while playing Diablo II.


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