[rescue] I just saw this from an old SGI page... it has me slightly worried since...

James Sharp rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jan 3 19:45:29 CST 2002

>   About the A/C...you'll probably be fine as long as you have a large
> space to dissipate the heat in.  They do put out a fair amount of
> heat...but hey, if you want no power consumption and no heat output,
> you'd have bought a shit-ass PeeCee, right?

No heat output?  Have you had your hand near one of the 30498230488Thz
chips these days?  Granted, its not nearly as much as a loaded Onyx...but
still, it's quite a little heater.

Speaking of Onyx....can someone make me a CD image of at least a base
install of 6.5?  Dumbass me forgot my root password on my oynx and I can't
boot it into single user mode.

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