[rescue] An interesting sound

Jochen Kunz rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 2 13:08:53 CST 2002

On 2002.01.02 19:08 Andrew Weiss wrote:

> strange sounds from the hard disk I believe.  It was silent then out
> of nowhere I hear light tiny sounds that remind me of a circular saw
> contacting something it's cutting... not loud or anything... it
> happens every now and then fading in and out. 
Siechgate? (German idiom, means Seagate.)
Sounds like a bearing going bad. There are two possibilites: 
   a) The drive will die soon. (Get a tape...) 
   b) The drive will work for years, but with circular saw sound.


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/

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