[rescue] Re: Determining the country of orgin for IP address(es)

Josh Neal josh at unixmercenary.net
Wed Feb 27 21:09:55 CST 2002

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:01:07PM -0500, Steve Pacenka wrote:
> The Excel formats have been documented and reverse engineered well
> enough for two free programs to read and write Excel file very well in
> my experience:
>    www.gnumeric.org
>    www.openoffice.org

That's an awful funny spelling of /usr/bin/strings you've got there, Steve.

-josh, trapped in an office of Excel-using wankers who INSIST on putting TAB-DELIMITED data in a spreadsheet even though NO CALCULATIONS ARE BEING PERFORMED.

Josh Neal
"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
	-- Homer Simpson

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