[rescue] list dictatorship (topic change)

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Feb 25 13:35:41 CST 2002

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 02:23:12PM -0500, Dan Sikorski wrote:
> Well, i usually don't respond to any emails written by you because it
> seems that too often, things get blown out of proportion, and someone
> gets thrown off the list.  Granted, i don't know the whole story behind
> these incidents, and i really don't care to, but i can think of a couple
> of  examples of this and I've only been on the list for a little under
> 10 months.  

Okay.  Just so everybody knows, what exactly went on:

Jon Katz - called my wife a whore in private email after a dispute on the 
lists.  If anybody thinks that my unsubscribing him was not justified or
warranted, they can kiss my ass.  Period.

Ken Hansen - After repeated requests for him to just "drop it" and move
on, he refused and kept nitpicking about an "issue" that I'd clearly already
stated my position on (that of SunHELP being a business vs. a hobby), and I
had no desire to get into a long heated debate on.  Unsubscribed because 
there didnt seem to be any other way to get the hint across.

I let a *LOT* of stuff on these lists slide.  

I'm a nice guy (as many of you know) and it takes a lot to piss me off - 
but these two guys managed to do it.  If you want to call me a facist 
dictator for it, well, I'll go dig up my jackboots from the garage and 
have the staff car meet me out front.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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