[rescue] Crimping your own

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Fri Feb 22 14:11:49 CST 2002

> > Not all of us live in FSCKing California, Arizona or Texas.
> 	Oregon... :)

Ahh, the Cancer spreads...

> > Umm, I bought a 1000 foot spool of Cat5 at my local Home Despot for
> > 49.95... that's a nickel ($0.05) a foot.  and the last RJ45 crimp tool I
> > bought (which some jacka$$ at work walked off with) cost me $25.00.
> 	My mistake then... I can assure you that the three Home Depots
> here are not that cheap. :(

Heh, maybe because they are losing money competing with Fry's.  

: )

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