[rescue] The attraction principle

jwbirdsa at picarefy.com jwbirdsa at picarefy.com
Wed Feb 13 00:49:32 CST 2002

   Now that I know a few things about my new RS/6000, I've gone out looking
for parts, etc., and all kinds of things have magically appeared.

   I need AIX... there's several auctions for 4.3.3 sets.

   I'd like a cache SIMM, preferably 1M instead of 512K: somebody is
selling a pair of them. $15.

   Maybe I want an SSA array: there's a bunch of them. Most are way more
money than I want to spend, but there are several which might be reasonable

   If I'm going to get an SSA array, I want to attach this machine to
my forthcoming FDDI/CDDI subnet, code named "busty" (almost all of the
machines attached to it will be well-endowed, so to speak): somebody
just put up an MCA FDDI card.

   A breakout box for the serial card... it's there.


   --James B.

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