[rescue] desperately need a window manager

Julius Sridhar vance at ikickass.org
Sun Feb 10 09:28:08 CST 2002

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 s at avoidant.org wrote:

> A remapping example:
>    1.Press the Remap key. The program light starts blinking.
>    2.Press the Caps Lock key, then the Ctrl key. In effect,
>      you now have two caps lock keys.
>    3.Now press the Ctrl key, then the Caps Lock key.
>      this maps the Ctrl key to the Caps Lock.
>    4.Press the Remap Key. The blinking stops and the light
>      glows steadily.
>    5.Test your remap. Pressing the old Ctrl key makes your
>      keyboard type all capital letters, and holding down
>      the old Caps Lock key gives you control-key commands.

Remap all your keys to F12. 8-)  That would rock.

Peace...  Sridhar

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