[rescue] Anal-Retentiveness and Source Code

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Feb 8 09:09:07 CST 2002

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> > Thats why I only use SFWgcc long enough to *recompile* gcc from source.
> How hard is this to do?  I'm working on getting Solaris images (having
> trouble getting the CD images to the wintel machine with the burner) for a
> machine that I want to colocate.  I've always been under the impression that
> fairly deep magic was needed to compile gcc.

I did it once.  You just basically follow all the instructions to the
letter.  I actually have been doing some compiles lately and built my own
openssl and openssh using Forte C/C++ 6.2.  It seemed to work okay,
however the compile had bunches of warnings.... only a few more than the
gcc version I built for comparison.  So does anyone know if Forte produces
better and faster code on average?  I am currently using the gcc version
because I used build-pkg and I wanted to go back and add other
authentication and configuration options plus prngd.


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