[rescue] Re: Personal Progressions

Michael Doyle gmike at cstone.net
Thu Feb 7 08:19:58 CST 2002

Hi all,

Guess this is a very short way to introduce myself to the group - I was
a lurker for most of 2001 but have been away for several months.

First video game console/handheld/whatever: Never had one
First computer used: KIM-1, Apple ][, & Heathkit H-11? (used LSI-11
  under RT-11, all pretty much at the same time (1979)
First computer owned: Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P (6502, 8k, MS
  Basic-in-ROM, still runs)
First computer that I really got into: PDP-11/34, in HS (see also first
First Sun used: 3/80, in college
First Sun owned: SS IPC (still runs, under 4.1.4)
First SMP machine: dual SM41 in SS10 (work), dual HS 55MHz in SS20 (home)
Favorite machine: NeXT Computer (original cube) 
Biggest machine: NEC AS/4000? (IBM mainframe knockoff in college)
Smallest machine: Radio Shack Pocket Computer
First Unix: UNIX Research Ver. 6
First web browser: Whatever the browser at cern.ch was called
Favorite web browser: Netscape 3.01

Y'all have a good day,
Charlottesville, VA
E-Mail: Michael Doyle <gmike at cstone.net>
Date: 07-Feb-02
Time: 09:03:41

This message was sent by XFMail
from Michael's Sun SPARCstation 20MP

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