[rescue] There is a reason I moved from central PA

ed at the7thbeer.com ed at the7thbeer.com
Wed Feb 6 18:13:25 CST 2002

Well fuck me in the head.  They better not advertise hot dogs and ground
beef on the 4th of July because not all Americans like burgers and dogs.

Lame stupid idiotic "I wanna be so PC it's reached the limits of
stupidity" humans in this country.

Cliff Yablonski HATES THEM ALL.

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
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Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges - Marcus Tullius Cicero
In time of War, the law falls silent

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Fogg, James wrote:

> Fried Chicken On Sale In Honor Of Black History Month
> The Giant Food Stores company apologized Tuesday for a promotion at one of
> its supermarkets.
> The chain's Union Deposit store in Dauphin County, Pa., advertised a sale on
> fried chicken -- in honor of Black History Month.
> The store special featured a sign that read "In honor of Black History
> Month, we at Giant are offering a special savings on fried chicken."
> An official at Giant said the special was only at the Dauphin County store.
> He said a customer complained about the sign, and the sign was taken down.
> Store customer Lance Sellers said he was shocked by the sign and said that
> when he approached the store manager, the manager asked why it was
> offensive.
> Paula Harris of the area chapter of the NAACP said the sign reinforces
> racist stereotypes.
> "Not all African Americans eat fried chicken, greens and chitlins," Harris
> said. "We like salad, roast beef, low-fat chicken, just like everybody
> else."
> Copyright 2002 by The Associated Press.
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