[rescue] how to put a value on a monster ...?

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Thu Aug 15 19:50:55 CDT 2002

On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 15:00, max trefonides wrote:
> I understand that that range had no basis in reality.  I was not really 
> offering it for that ammount, I was really apealing to the group to help 
> me figure out what FMV would be, as i have never shopped for a machine 
> like this, and I could find nothing on the web to help me out.  These 
> are difficult beasty to value.  I was really pretty much hoping that 
> this group would debate the FMV and then that's what I would offer it 
> for.  I am not greedy.

Well, unfortunately, i cannot pay what i believe you will want for the
machines.  I'd LOVE to get one, but alas, i'll be sticking to my
deskside RE2.  However, if anyone is interested, i could potentially
help in transportation of one.  I'm not far from chicago, and have free
lodging there (many relatives, including my sister in the area) so if i
can help anyone, let me know.  And if the asking price is low enough, i
might even take one.  (i remember you saying you have two, but only
remember seeing specs for one)

	-Dan Sikorski

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