[rescue] [OT] this list

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at bfr.co.il
Thu Aug 15 03:13:11 CDT 2002

I was going to write this in private email but I think it's important enough
to say it on the list.


I've been on this list since you started it (or soon thereafter).
It's been fun, it's been a lot of help, and occasionally it's been a real
pain in the .... I've learned to live with the crap that some people feel
it is their need or right or something to post here because of the good
stuff here. 90% of which I'll never need, but since I can't predict the 
future, I read (and archive) it all for that 10% that someday I'll be
glad to say "it's here in my sun rescue archives" when I need it in a

I'm truly sorry that it's no longer fun. I hope that you can get over it,
and whether you continue this list or not, you enjoy what you are doing, and
if you do keep the list going it makes you happy. It makes me happy to read
(and occasionally participate), and I would hate to see it go, but on the
other hand if it pains you........


I'm sorry that you had to step in and "pull the boys apart", it's
OUR failing not yours. 

I hope things go better for you medically. I can sympathize, my wife found
out on the same day that our third attempt in this country at producing
a viable embryo worked, she had breast cancer. To make a long story short
she lost the breast and kept the baby, now Daniel aged 4. 

I can't offer much help in money, but my prayers are with you and if you
ever make it over here, you and Bill are welcome to my living room couch
(actually a double size futon), where you can relax in the Mediterranean 
sunshine, walk where Jesus walked (if that turns you on), go to the beach,
etc and to share our meals which are sometimes Chinese feasts, and much more
often bread and cheese.

Both of you: May you go forward in good health and happiness. If the
list continues I will be glad to read and participate. If not, 
thanks for starting and hosting the list, and there will always be a
warm spot in my heart for you guys.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Bloomberg L.P., BFM (Israel) 2 hours ahead of London, 7 hours ahead of New York.
Tel:  972-(0)3-754-1158 Fax 972-(0)3-754-1236 Email: gmendelson at bloomberg.com 

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