[rescue] MacOS version 8.6

Ido Dubrawsky ido at dubrawsky.org
Sun Aug 11 21:57:38 CDT 2002

On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 06:56:02PM -0500, Michael Schiller wrote:
> Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 14:20:01 -0400
> From: Michael Schiller <schiller at agrijag.com>
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [rescue] MacOS version 8.6
> Reply-To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Does anyone know if Apple still sells MacOS version 8.6 (or 9.1) at all?
> I've looked on their website, and couldn't find them anywhere. Or if
> they don't, does anyone have (or know of a URL that has) an ISO for
> these? Apple does have the 8.6 & 9.1 updaters on their website, but you
> have to have either 8.5 or 9.0 to use them, and I've only got 8.1 on my
> powermac 5500 :( Also, anyone know of a cheap source of memory for this
> machine? (I've tried Sun U5 and SS5 memory, and while they fit, they
> don't work :( Thanks.
> -- 
> -Mike

  I have MacOS 9.1 on CD.  I can burn you a copy (or make an iso image of
it) if you like.

Ido Dubrawsky               			E-mail:  ido at dubrawsky.org
Network Security Engineer				idubraws at cisco.com
19 Scott Crescent
Austin, TX. 78703
(512) 689-5312 (cell)

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