[rescue] Good day's grabs

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Aug 10 18:55:22 CDT 2002

On Saturday, August 10, 2002, at 06:29 PM, Robert Novak wrote:
> Four PCI SC FDDI cards. Part is 50-22498-01, which looks from google to be
> DAS but there's only one SC connector. The back plate says DEFPA-AA or
> DEFPA-AB (two of each it seems). Need to figure out driver support for
> this (Solaris/SPARC? Tru64 must be supported).  $2.50 each.

   Sweet deal!

> Emulex LP8000 fibre channel card with DB9 GBIC (great for the fiber shelf
> I've got coming), $5.

   Another sweet deal!  These cards are *fast*, and worth a hell of a lot 
more than $5...street price on these is $200-300 now.  I'm running one in 
my Ultra60...Emulex's Solaris drivers seem very good.


Dave McGuire                     "I haven't worn pants in 14 months!"
St. Petersburg, FL                                   -Pete Wargo

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