[rescue] OT: Clutter???

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Sun Aug 4 01:47:47 CDT 2002

My dad is a packrat, and so am i.  (but i do have a friend who's more of
a packrat than me.  When we moved him earlier this year, he was quite
literally packing up garbage and bringing it to the new house.)

	-Dan Sikorski

On Sat, 2002-08-03 at 22:01, Leslie Connally wrote:
> A friend lives a cluttered desk.. His uncle makes him go tto an
> organizational consultant, who tells him to clear his desk. He puts it all
> in his desk drawer, and 4 months later, he's missing [ie: lost.. never
> entered into system] two orders for custom Board Room tables that take 4
> weeks to make!!
> Question.. any packrats on this list? Do you come by your packratness
> honestly? was eg (like mine) your father or mother a packrat?.. is
> packratness learned or inheirited?
> L
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