[rescue] Re: OH YEA??? [was: Re: Ultra?]

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Sat Aug 3 12:09:57 CDT 2002

> My daily work on my desktop involves ssh, web browsing, the occasional
> management program (networker, network gear)... far from moving a
> refrigerator.
> There are applications where an Ultra 5 or Ultra 10 is quite acceptable.
> George, even you know this even if it's not cool to admit.
Yes, if you need a speedy x-term.  This is most of the point I'm trying to 
make...  If you want a display and a keyboard attached to a network 
interface, then PeeCees and PB^h^hSB100's and U5's are fine.

If you need a workstation, then they don't hold up.

> > Unless of course you were talking about capacity...  <snip>
> Well, it depends on your budget. George, we've beaten this dead horse
> before. 72/73GB disks are still pretty expensive ($249+). A nice home mp3
> server would be far better served by IDE than by SCSI when you have budget
> and/or spousal influences to consider.

Absolutely.  If you have the need for Workstation power, you should have the 
budget for it.  On the subject at hand, (the advantages of something like an 
U1/170E over an U5/270) the price point here is pretty close.

Sure, and a home MP3 'server' could be constructed out of a cheap-ass PPro 
Dell or something and save you even MORE money.  And probably do the job 
quite acceptably in spite of itself.

> You know, what would really kick some serious butt would be Solaris/SPARC
> drivers for the Promise SX6000.
> 3ware has an Escalade 7500 series with up to 12 drive channels, 8 channel
> runs $300ish.
Here, I can agree.  The best use of IDE that I can see.  It takes advantage 
of the cheapness, commodity-availibility and the eminent disposability of the 
cheap, large capacity IDE drive.  It spreads the load out over many spindles 
to mitigate the otherwise poor performance (under real load), and it offers 
large capacities (seeing that manufacturers are concentrating on size rather 
than quality these days, a-la the 75GXP http://www.hogens.com/75gxp/ )

> > IDE belongs in PeeCees, not Workstations.
> Not every desktop system or appliance is a Workstation.
I didn't say they were, 
what id did say is that IDE doesn't belong in those that are.


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