OH YEA??? [was: Re: [rescue] Ultra?]

Harold K Berninghausen haroldkarl at juno.com
Sat Aug 3 11:53:38 CDT 2002

So, if people are ragging about the U5/ U10 and their "IDE'ness"..
what about the AXi? It seems to be an updated U5/U10, but scsi?
I bring this up as I am just about to put one together... tossing
a peecee mb out, but keeping the 6 hd backplane... Any comments
on the AXi?
I am looking forward to comparing it to the U5s that I have and try 
not to shame it next to the U2's and U60 next to it.... I won't even 
tell it about the Quad U2 lurking nearby...
But I digress.... any AXi people out there?

Harold Berninghausen

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