[rescue] God bless America

Fogg, James rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 12 12:50:02 CDT 2001

A friend of mine expressed similar exterminationist feelings too, but with
an interesting twist. Since the biggest gripe in the Middle East right now
is the situation with the Palestinians, he said "Assuming its Bin Laden,
neutron bomb Afghanastan out of existence, then give that land to the
Palestines" (since with a N-bomb the land would be re-useable in a few

> These people have killed literally thousands of people in a 
> day.  I think
> that the only suitable response to this is the immediate 
> extermination of
> the group(s) responsible.  When there is a cancer in the 
> body, do you impose
> sanctions on it?  No, you kill it.  You cut it out and 
> destroy it utterly.
> These groups of people are a cancer in the world today.  We 
> need to hunt
> down  _every_last_one_ of these terrorists, and __kill__ 
> them.  No, it won't
> bring back the thousands, but it __will__ prevent them from 
> doing it again,
> and again.
> Every Government in the world today ought to assist us in 
> this task, and
> anyone who resists our efforts is undertaking an act of war 
> not only against
> the US, but against every civilized country in the world today.

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