[rescue] The war begins....

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Oct 7 22:04:51 CDT 2001

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 06:20:16PM -0400, dave at cca.org wrote:
> What's really bizarre is that this is the perfect opportunity for
> the anti-war movement to gain the respect on mainstream america,
> and they're blowing it. If they'd drop the "No War!" stance, and
> focus on "No Targeting Civilians!" they'd be focusing on the worst
> aspects of government sponsered war as *well* as terrorism, and
> have a reasonable position regarding both the WTC attack, and
> the response.

I think that debate and argument schools should be required.  Some people
are just way to stupid.  They spend lots of energy trying to convince
people that the death penalty is morally wrong when pointing out the major
problems with it should be even more effective for getting it
dismantled.  Myself, I don't know for sure if it is absolutely wrong or
right, but I think it is used way too often.  People are too quick to be
absolutely sure of guilt when I think there is no way to possibly be sure
enough to kill them.

Further, wouldn't it be more effective and just and helpfull to society to
work what were formally death penalty people to death?  If the death
penalty is morally justifiable, then death is too quick and perhaps not
punishment enough, not to mention no benifit to society.

Anyway, that's getting off topic.  As to the current war, the news said
they were bombing Kabul.  I couldn't believe it.  Every report that I've
heard said that there were no significant military targets there, and that
it was packed with civilians who weren't there by choice, and who would
probably flee to pakistan if they thought they could.

Plus, we just kissed the 6 YWAMers goodbye I bet.

Joshua D. Boyd

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