[SunRescue] re: [OT] Reliable net access in the boonies

Kevin Loch rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 29 09:08:32 CST 2001

Don't ever do options instead of pay.  I tell prospective
employers that I view options as a way to offset
the risk and uncertainty of the job, not to make up
for a cut in pay.  One exception is if you are at
the senior executive level, where you might have some
control over things.  Even then you should only do that
to the extent that you can comfortably afford.


Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 06:54:36PM -0500, Tim Harrison wrote:
> > And, to make it all worse, our tech support manager had invested in NP
> > about 6 months ago.  He's just sitting at his desk, holding his head.
> > When someone mentions Northpoint, he starts to twitch. :)
> > It's almost funny, but the guy's a close friend, and I feel for him.
> > He's also not talking to our director of marketing, as he was the chap
> > who gave him the "hot stock tip". :)
> Makes me *really* glad that I demanded more signing bonus (instead of
> more options) when I started at ConnectSouth (see www.connectsouth.com,
> then www.DISconnectsouth.com, heh) a year ago tomorrow.  I told them,
> "I dont care about getting rich, I want more money now even if it
> costs me money later".  Turns out, that attitude paid off.
> The company's first round of forced bankruptcy hearings was today.
> hehehe.  (I left after four months, due to a horrible work environment
> and Too Much Corporate Politics, and "we'll hire 165 more sales people,
> but we'll make do with two sysadmins..")
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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