[SunRescue] XTerm

Devin L. Ganger rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 28 19:41:35 CST 2001

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 04:29:24PM -0800, Chris Byrne wrote:

> mike dombrowski
>> Hello all, anyone got an XTerm for sale? I want one that can use VGA 
>> monitor and PS/2 keyboard/mouse. Other than that I don't really care 
>> what the other specs are, 24bit color would be _really_ nice but not 
>> needed.
> I might be interested in one of those myself

If you're not picky about what kind of Xterm, I have an NCD Xterm (I
think it's only B&W, though) kicking around I'm looking to get rid of.
It has a built-in 19" monitor and takes a PS/2 keyboard and mouse.

I'm willing to let it go for shipping.  It's got older ROMS and I have
no manual or software for it.

Devin L. Ganger <devin at thecabal.org>
find / -name *base* -exec chown us:us {} \;
su -c someone 'export UP_US=thebomb'
for f in great justice ; do sed -e 's/zig//g' < $f ; done

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