HP 1200C (was Re: [SunRescue] What Gem did I find?)

Linc Fessenden rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 24 22:33:52 CST 2001

Dave McGuire wrote:

> On March 24, Ken Hansen wrote:
> > What Dave, you don't have a Docucenter "on-demand" printing press/bindry system in the living room? ;^)
>   Nope...but my Linotronic phototypesetter arrives next week. :)
>   I'm having crazy thoughts about OCRing and re-typesetting classic
> computer docs.  Think high-density print, acid-free paper, delivered
> shrink-wrapped and three-hole drilled, put it in your favorite binder,
> that sort of thing.  You see, I find those little DEC handbooks
> absolutely invaluable.  They're packed with great information.
> Problem is, they're printed on really shitty cheap-ass paper that is
> starting to disintegrate on the 20-30 year old books.  I'd love to
> have that stuff better preserved.
>   Just a thought.
> > It is only reasonable to assume, for a guy that keeps a Cray in the basement...
>   I'd never put a Cray in a basement.  I converted my dining room
> into a computer room until I can afford to have a proper
> computer-room-style addition put on the house.
>          -Dave McGuire

Hey Dave,
If you're serious, I have a *pile* of Dec manuals covering mostly the 5000 series..  Are you missing any?
Maybe I could OCR something 4 ya?

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