[SunRescue] Re: rescue digest, Vol 1 #1063 - 17 msgs

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 21 11:33:56 CST 2001

>>more than 3 computers.

I can't recall the last time my wife and I had _less_ than three computers
in the house.  Granted my wife maybe used two of them but still...

>>Heck, my non-geek wife has a Power Mac, PC (AMD K-5/166
>>Whoo-hoo!), and a P/233 laptop, and also a Palm Pilot (wait, does
>>that mean she *is* a geek?)...

Walks like a duck...maybe she just needs to come out of the server closet.

My wifes almost at that point.  She checks her e-mail before getting out of
bed. *grin*

Mike Hebel

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