[SunRescue] Should an editor require you to think?

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Mar 9 22:34:32 CST 2001

That's the way I did it.  I would have patented it but 
lawyers weren't invented yet.  Still trying to find out 
who did that.

(How silly can this get?)
> I build the computer, by setting the electrons, neutrons, and protons
> exactly where I want them.  I like to have more control over what I do.  And
> I don't get my neutrons prefab either, I do my own fusion.  Hydrogen in....
> -Jonathan
> On 3/9/01 4:56 PM, "wa2egp at att.net" <wa2egp at att.net> wrote:
> > I invented iron ore....
> >>>> You use already magentized needles?  I magnetize fresh needles
> >>>> each time, you get cleaner code that way.
> >>> 
> >>>   Oh yeah?  I start with fresh IRON ORE each time.  I extract the iron
> >>> from the ore, purify it, melt it, pour my own needles, etc etc etc.
> >>> 
> >>>   So THERE. ;)
> >> 
> >> That was implied by "fresh" needles =)
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