[SunRescue] Re: Rescue digest, Vol 1 #1016 - 3 msgs

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 8 23:23:43 CST 2001

On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 05:48:01PM -0500, Chad Fernandez wrote:
> I guess what I don't like is when an ISP says they only "support"
> operating system X, where X usually is Windows 9x.

What they need to say is "we wont provide technical support for 
<platform x>, but you're welcome to connect with whatever you want
and try to get it to work".  ISP I used to work for back in '98,
we welcomed people to connect with anything they wanted to (heck,
we even tried with a WebTV and stuff like a Newton MP2100 from the
office..), but we would only provide technical support for wintel/mac.
If someone was trying to hook up with something else, we'd give them
all the necessary information, but from that point, they were on their
own (unless they were using Solaris, and I'd usually help them out
from there if it was something minor..)

I like my ADSL.  Plug into ethernet switch, assign IP, bingo.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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