[SunRescue] Should an editor require you to think?

Jonathan Eisch rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 8 22:13:24 CST 2001

I hear you.  I'm 17, and i've been using Sun boxes since I was 13.  I'm
writing this e-mail in pine.  I started using computeres with a windows
box, but never found my home until I started using UNIX.  I do a lot of my
school work in emacs, as I like an editor that doesn't crash, so as to
avoid loosing stuff, but I don't see any problem in opening that text file
in omniWrite (or word on my Mac (I do graphics, hence mac)), or whatever
program is handy.  Just because a program uses a GUI doesn't make it a bad
program.  Just because you take your hand off the keyboard and put it on a
mouse doesn't make you any less of a Man (or woman, or AI-type
being).  Or, for that matter, if you want, you can control most GUI based
word processing type program swith the keyboard.  I suppose someone is
going to tell me I'm wrong about this, and I can't be a man until I do
everything with 20 year old equipment...  I can, but efficency says not
to.  That's my two cents on that.

Like Aaron, I've found that many people seem to think tha there are all
these kids out there who know sooo much about computers, but I only need
to call my ISP and as them why my internet connection is so darn slow
tonight (2.6kbps has been the max tonight), and they tell me that I should
restart my computer (sparc clasic uptime reports a few months) and whe I
get a new IP, it will be faster, and I say "So, the new IP will mae it
fast?" they say "yeah.".....  need I say more..


jon eisch
jeisch at boku.net

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 arnach560 at netscape.net wrote:

> Just wanted to post a few comments.  This will be mainly off-topic.
> I was just reading the post where Bob was referring to the new generation of computer users as point-and-click oriented. 
> I started using Linux when I was 12. I'm 16 now.. I went completely Linux when I was 13.. and I went downstairs to the Windows PC to write my papers for school. I couldn't see writing in vi.. 
> I'm 16 now and I have a Silicon Graphics machine. On one hand, I run hugely visual applications such as IFX Piranha.. very point and click. When I have friends over they wonder how the hell am I controlling my computer, what is that blue box with all the writing in it (winterm).. but they are amazed by the visual effects.. I now write my papers in nedit and TEX, and have recently download lyx..it's a sweet program. Any of my work which has scientific equations, etc. in it now looks gorgeous. You can instantly distinguish my work from those of the kids using Word, etc. 
> I agree that it is a mindset. I hated TeX at first, but I got used to it. There is something strange about having to constantly refer to a manual to just write when you can just sit down at a Windows PC and start typing. However.. There ain't nothing like working in HDTV resolution, all the time, so I made myself learn to do everything on this one system. 
> I think it's really sad how people think kids are such whizbangs with computers. Most of them know nothing..  maybe their way around Control Panel. When you compare that to just the complexity of the piped commands we enter without thinking twice -- strange!
> -- Aaron Finley
> arnach560 at netscape.net
> (oh, im on this mailing list because I resell Suns. soo im not completely OT)
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