[SunRescue] Power concerns.

Dave Reader rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 8 17:08:43 CST 2001

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Chris Byrne wrote:

> Of course the power company could just be dead wrong. I was living in a
> two bedroom apartment once, and one month they said I used 14 megawatt hours.
> Considering that the apartment only had a 40amp servce panel the most I
> could possibly have been drawing through the wiring of the building was
> 4.8kw/hr, and there's only 720 hours in a month, this a maximum of 345.6
> kw/hr. 
> 14 megawatt hours in a single month would have lit up my wiring like a toaster.
> It took me six months and three inspections before they agreed that I was
> being overcharged. Meanwhile they shut my power off three times for failure
> to pay.

Okay.. I'm intrigued...

How do they measure your consumption in the US?

Here in the UK, we all have meters which are periodically read by the
suppliers' agents to check that you haven't been lying..

I /really/ hope we never see the kind of wild fluctuations in power/fuel
prices here that you seem to get there - how do you manage to budget for

My power bill is always about the same (though this last quarter has shown
an increase as I've added a few more continuously-powered machines..)


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