[rescue] clustered file storage

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 31 15:44:31 CDT 2001

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 08:00:39PM +0000, koyote at koyote.cx wrote:
> It depends. One company's model is to have scaleable access to storage 
> :and: cpu power based on needs (response time of 10 minutes to add or 
> remove).
> I lot of them are using EMC hardware an pathlights for DAS that is 
> moveable in near realtime (server failure results in DAS being moved to 
> another server and rebooting within 1min!)

So, let me see if I foloow you.  One company wants to be able to increase
storage and CPU power to Oracle (or what ever else).  So, they have oracle
using data stored on a file server instead of locally, and they have
oracle running clustered.  Thus they can add more disks to the file
server, or they can drop another box on the network and add it to the
oracle cluster.

Then a lot of companies use EMC hardware behind a pathlight (which acts as
the file server for the EMC SAN?  a FC-AL to scsi converter?) for DAS
(Direct Access Storage?)?  Is this what you were trying to tell me, or am
I reading this wrong?

Joshua D. Boyd

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