[rescue] Alpha/Sparc/NeXT/SGI to donate/sell

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 31 11:42:56 CDT 2001

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 11:13:04AM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old fart, please, *NO* "I'm a student
> so please give me hardware" posts.  Even students can afford $100 for a 
> halfway decent SPARC system, or $30 for an AXPpci33 board/CPU on eBay.
> New official list rule: no "begging".

Not all students can afford that.  When I got my 3/160 for free, I
couldn't even fit the gas to pick it up into my budget without much
hardship.  I got someone else to pay for that.

Of course, now it is summer time, and I have more money, plus, I finally
have an ongoing job instead of a summer only job.

However, that still doesn't excuse begging.  I've been known to sugest
that things should be thrown my way, but only my family has heard me beg
(the downside to growning up with family is they've seen some embarassing
things, sigh).

Joshua D. Boyd

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