[rescue] my NPR interview is up!

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 31 01:21:48 CDT 2001

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> I've had some e-mail conversations with an engineer @real.com who
> suggested that they might eventually support NAS, though I'd be happy if
> they'd simply spit any *standard* non-proprietary format out to stdout
> (as mpg123 can).

Getting realaudio output into "the real world" is fairly simple.  Record
from AUDIO_CODEC_LOOPB_IN and dump to NAS or simply to stdout.

If you don't have codec loopback (no audio h/w or pre-Solaris 8) consider
a simple LD_PRELOAD library to catch the open/write/close calls to
/dev/audio.  The most annoying part of RealPlayer isn't the lack of an
audio output dump, it's the lack of command-line scriptability.  There are
multiple examples of audio capture libs in Dejanews.


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