[rescue] Beginner VAX

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 10:48:27 CDT 2001

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 10:58:47AM -0400, BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:
> Lessee... how do we rate the VAX Carrying Capability of a carrying device
> like a car or truck.... hmmm...... VCC's maybe.....
>      0.9 if it will only carry a VS2000  (puny little car).
>      3.5 if it will carry half a dozen desktop boxes (sportenwagen)
>     10.0 if it will carry a BA123 chassis (family sedan)
>     20.0 if it will carry a 6000 sized chassis (typical van thingy)
>    100.0 if it will carry an 11/780, complete.....(:+}}...(semi!)

Yeah, but what if you have a *cluster* of VAX VLCs? 8-) 


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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