[rescue] OT: Solaris for Intel

Brian Dunbar rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jul 25 09:02:03 CDT 2001

>>-----Original Message-----
From: Loomis, Rip [mailto:GILBERT.R.LOOMIS at saic.com]

Ah ha!  If you have software that is "only compiled for" SunOS or Solaris,
then that *usually* means only for SunOS/SPARC
and Solaris/SPARC.  Have you verified with the vendors that they do in fact
support the x86 architecture with their Solaris
product?  If they all do, then the CAD software vendors are a lot more
responsive than the security software vendors...<<

Eh.  They're, on the the whole, pretty responsive.  But they know we're a
captive market, and their prices reflect that.


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