[[rescue] flamewar question: Perl]

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jul 22 14:59:58 CDT 2001


I took the initial question as "I am looking for a new tool to add to my arsenal" -
that is why I suggest persuing C (if you had not).

If your work with C has been casual, and no formal time spent with it, I'd suggest
spending the time to read through Programming in C (K&R) - it is *quite* thin, very
understandable, and will teach you "how to think like a C programmer".

The Steve Oualine (sp?) book (Practical Programming in C)is thick (about an 1"
thick ORA book), but goes into details about programming as it relates to C
programming - you will learn alot about Programming, and you will also learn about

C is a rite of passage, just like vi, IMHO - you don't need to use it all the time,
but you should have spent some amount of time learning it...

Just my thoughts (the only commercial programming I did was CICS/Batch COBOL on
Mainframes, so take my advice with a grain of salt)...


Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 08:51:19AM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> >Bill - if you are looking for a solid language to learn, have you "done C" yet?
> I never "set out" to learn C, but after enough dealing with other people's
> legacy code and helping "port" it to other platforms, I know it well enough. 8-)
> Bill

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