[[rescue] flamewar question: Perl]

Kevin Loch rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jul 22 12:22:51 CDT 2001

You haven't done C until you write your own program from
"scratch".  The first one will be an incredible PITA, but that's
why you will truly know C afterwords :)


Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 08:51:19AM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> >Bill - if you are looking for a solid language to learn, have you "done C" yet?
> I never "set out" to learn C, but after enough dealing with other people's
> legacy code and helping "port" it to other platforms, I know it well enough. 8-)
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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