[rescue] interesting geek toy

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 12 22:27:43 CDT 2001

Well, as I recall the old 1934 Communication Act stated 
that you were not to intercept a message and deliver it 
to the intended receiptent before it arrived by the 
usual means (as in a telegraph message where one link 
was the radio) and you were not to make money from the 
interception of a radio signal.  By these rules it is 
NOT illegal to receive cell phone calls on a receiver so 
they made it illegal to make equipment that could 
receive those frequencies.  The cell phone companies 
tried to change those rules but failed.  It is also not 
illegal to receive satellite TV or the microwaved cable 
signals which are sent to cable companies.  That's why 
they scramble them now.  I guess the idea is that if the 
radio signal crosses your property, you can receive it ( 
with restrictions).
> >What exactly constitutes a "public airwave"?

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