[rescue] can you beleive I do this as a *HOBBY*?

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 12 19:15:28 CDT 2001


If yo could do me a favor, see if anyone has leads on RT-11 for the Pro - I've
seen it before, but I can't find it anywhere now... I've just rescued my
Pro-350 (PDP-11/23+ in workstation form), and PO/S is quite poor for an
environment,,, I'd liek to get RT-11, and a buch of games installed on it, then
hook a single-port terminal server to it and telnet into it from my den... That
would be nice.

That was/is a nice box...


dave at cca.org wrote:

> schiller at mail.agrijag.com writes:
> >RSTS-11 & BASIC-PLUS :) back in 1976 I took my one and only programming
> >class (BASIC programing) in HS on a PDP-11/70 running RSTS-11! The
> >'terminals' were Teletype ASR-33's, and we'd store our programs on
> >papertape! The little metal cans that 35mm film came in (now they're
> >plastic) were perfect for storing programs on papertape :) I can't
> >remember what RSTS stands for, but I used to know. Gee, now I feel old
> >:(
> Once I get a decent space, a PDP-11/45 or 11/70 is the first large
> machine I'll go hunting for. Gorgeous front panels...
> I'll be spending saturday playing with small 11s actually. We're
> having a "Q-BUS" workshop day at the RCS, so we're all going to
> bring our small 11s and spare parts in and see how many functional
> machines we can piece together...
> (And hopefully get me an OS for my 11/23!)
> -------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
> -------- If it wasn't for good luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all. -------
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