[rescue] RE: Things that go *crash* in the UPS truck...

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 12 08:02:44 CDT 2001

Yesterdays Wall Street Journal had a note about a piece of mail being stuck in
a mail slot in a building for almost 50 years (IIRC, couldn't verify online)!


Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 12:20:45AM -0700, Bran Tregare wrote:
> > the worst happens at UPS when the package gets knocked off / falls off the
> > overhead conveyor system, it's 15 to 20 feet off of the floor.
> Heh.
> My favorite RPS (now FedEx Ground(tm) ) story concerns the conveyor belt
> system they have.
> The converyor are working, then there is some kind of screwup and one of
> them gets jammed, so letters and packages get dumped all over (some belts
> are indeed 15 to 20 feet off the floor).
> Service guys come out and fix it, get it going again, no problem right?
> Four years later, they do routine maintenance on the conveyor system.
> Service guy sees a letter that somehow got inside the casing/panel.
> So what does he do?  Does he look at the letter and when it was sent?
> No.
> Tosses it on the conveyor line, pack up, puts the panels back on and leaves.
> So a customer gets their letter, FOUR YEARS after sending it.  They weren't
> too happy about that.
> ./patrick
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