[rescue] 3D machines

Patrick Giagnocavo rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jul 4 00:40:04 CDT 2001

On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 12:09:00AM -0400, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> BTW, after nearly a year of fighting with my Lintel machine, I finally got
> 3D acceleration to work.  Testing it in blender, it is evident that it is
> no longer software only.  However, it is nowhere near as fast at display
> updates as the blender on the O2, even if the O2 has a totally inadequate
> display.

See if the X Inside X server @ xig.com will drive your card.  You may be
able to download a demo version for free so you can test it out.  I used to
work for those guys and they have a guru who knows what he is doing.

The OpenGL pipeline code is very important.  

My guess is that the gurus at SGI know more about OpenGL than the XFree86
guys do.

It took a few years until the OGL code on Wintel became optimized too-and
Microsoft spent some developer time on improving it.

Plus the O2 has a better bus and chips that were chosen for a level of
OpenGL performance. The Wintel 3D cards weren't designed for OGL, but for 3D


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