[rescue] UPS Recommendations - A True Story

Brian Dunbar rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 2 14:55:40 CDT 2001

>>-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford [mailto:mrbill at mrbill.net]
They *did* pay for the computer and UPSes, right?

(I hope to god they were bonded and insured...)

From: Devin L. Ganger [mailto:devin at thecabal.org]
Why, oh why, didn't you unplug the UPSen from the wall???<<

Yes, they are bonded and insured.  Their ops manager just came by making
"I'm sorry" and "we'll replace it" noises.  Pretty quick, considering this
just happened just after lunch.

I've been asking my I just didn't unplug and bring everyone to a halt.  The
answer is .. I'm dumb.  I believed the guy who said he had it all doped out
(he sounded competant and confident) and it was easier to believe than to
ask everyone on site to stop work for a few minutes.  In hindsight, yes, I
should have brought eveyone/everything down.  

When they come back tomorrow (they're not finished yet, good lawd help me) I
WILL schedule an outage and I will unplug everything in the shop.


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