[SunRescue] the BSA

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Feb 19 12:33:15 CST 2001

>House no... company yes! 

>Actually you have to give them permission and then they 
>come in, but if  you don't give them permission they threaten >legal action... don't know of  anyone who has refused 
>them entry yet! 

Well, here is a question -- I run an ULTRA small business in my home.  I do web hosting for a total of four clients.  Woohoo...

My server is a Linux based machine, so nothing at all Microsoft there.  I have lots of other computers in the house.   However, the server is the only one that is directly involved in the "business".

I got one of those threatening letters.  I DO NOT want these people in my house poking around on my personal machines. 

Do I need to get a lawyer?

Paul Phillips

PS - the letter was addressed the same way I am listed in the Whois database, so they are obviously just harvesting names from Whois...

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